Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Pictures, Pictures, Pictures

Cheers then! Thanks again for all the great comments thus far! Keep them coming even if I'm not doing a great job of keeping this up. Its been hard to get time to get to a computer and really give you something worth reading, but I'm trying to be a diligent as possible. Even as I say that I don't really have time to write a big update on here now.
I will give you a quick something though. Due to unforeseen circumstances I am no longer living in the apartment in Vaalwater. (Long story, you'll hear it before long I'm sure.) I'm back out on the Cooks plot which is only about 10 km from town so its really not bad.

I'm enjoying the scenery, Aunt Marilyn's cooking and hospitality, Uncle Stu's teaching and love of driving to fast, and all of the stories and teasing that both of them seem to have endless energy for.
The Lord is teaching me some amazing things and with this is mind I will rap up and give you your third challange. Take time to read the Word and then really meditate on the sacriface that Jesus made for us. Really try to understand the pain He felt, that He died knowing billions would reject what He did, and that although He was blameless His Father turned away from Him and poured out all the sin ever in the history of the world on to Jesus while He was hanging, bleeding, and dying on the torture device called the Cross. It is a truly awesome thing He did for us.


Jennifer Miller said...

These are such beautiful pictures!! Thank you for sharing!! I'm glad you're doing well down there and learning a ton :) Be safe!

Dan and Lynn said...

What more could a Mother want for her son than to know and love the Lord! I weep as I write this! I am blessed indeed!
Love- Mom

Dan and Lynn said...

Sounds like things are going pretty sweet down der. It was a little rougher in San Antonio for psycho T. Keep up the good work you pickle kissah.


Stan Rieb said...

Give my regards to the Stu & Marilyn. You are in a beautiful place. I was there a few years ago. I would love to get back there. How are the Cooks doing? I have bookmarked your blog and will keep track of what is going on. stan.rieb@cbamerica.org

Amanda said...

Indeed, lovely pictures. South Africa remains on my list of places to visit. Mick, thank you for your challenge. I am reading this at school, and it was a welcome reminder in the midst of craziness.
(This is Amanda Ellis Pollard)

Pastor Jack said...

Thanks for the post, Mick. The pictures are beautiful, but, your comments about our Savior, out shines them. God bless you and the Cooke's.

Hannah said...

RE: picture of you scowling

Mick, you so pretty, just like a cheerleader.


Jamie said...

hi mitchell, i'm so glad God is teaching you such amazing things! AWESOME TO HEAR?! Isn't he good? well miss you kid. can't wait to hear more.

Anonymous said...

i love (and i mean love) seeing you with kids. this does not mean that i'm on the baby program that you pleaded for prior to your departure, but you will be a great uncle. i miss you. jeremy misses you. sioux falls misses you. but we are so glad that you are where you are. xoxo - sissy