Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Mighty Men

First, lets get one thing clear: when I said "more tomorrow poppets" I really meant about a week. Ok, so that's my bad.

This last weekend I went to an Angus Buchan (South African farmer, immigriant from Zambia, Scottish heritage, Christian evangelist) event aptly named the Mighty Men's Conference. The event was held out on Angus' farm and played host to about 68,000 men. Yes, I did just say 68,000 men. It was an unbelievable experience to worship and fellowship with that many guys. It was one of those times in life where I feel like I got a small taste of what heaven will be like. Everyone singing so loud that you can't hear yourself, instead it just sounds like one loud passionate voice praising the King of Kings and Lord of Lords (that would be God for those of you playing the home game). Angus gave very inspired messages about fearing God, pride, and dying to self (this years theme was Dying to Live). He has probably the coolest accent I've ever heard before (Scottish mixed with South African...awesome) and looks kind of like the guy who played Bilbo Baggins in the Lord of the Rings Trilogy. Needless to say it is very encouraging to see that many other men passionate for serving Jesus Christ and I feel very refreshed after coming back from that.

One other funny tidbit from the Mighty Men's Conference: the showers there were like how you'd send cattle through sprayers, so it was quite humorous to see a few hundred butt-naked chaps queued up without shame waiting to get their turn. Thought you might enjoy the imagery of such an event.

#5: Call the Lord by His Name. All to often we refer to God as "The Big Guy" or "The Man Upstairs", let's knock it off, sure? He's not to be humanised and He's to be respected. We can't try and lower Him to our level so that we can try and identify better with Him. God created us and accepts us through His Son Jesus Christ even as we sin continually, something we cannot even begin to truly understand. Respect that and show the Lord the proper respect and fear He deserves.



Pastor Jack said...


Sounded like you had an awesome experience at the Mighty Men's Conference. I can only imagine ( that sounds like a good title for a song!) what it was like. Also, thank you, thank you, thank you, for taking a stand for God, and His proper respect! I "cringe" when I hear people refer to God, as the "Man upstairs", or, "The big guy." Preach it, brother!

Jamie said...

Baby boy, you're growing up... i'm so proud of the Mighty Man of God you are turning into... passionately run after your Lord. I promise it will be an adventure you'll never forget.