Friday, March 7, 2008

Influenza, Infatuation, Irritation

Ahh..where to being? First, welcome to my blog friends, family, hated enemies (I kid), or just curious visitors. I am coming to you from a hotel room in Casper, Wyoming where I am with my family as we wait for Charlie's state basketball semi-final game: the Wheatland Bulldogs (yay) vs. the Lander Tigers (boo, hiss). Currently Mom and I are enjoying using an internet connection that actually works whilst Hannah tries to catch a few z's with Dad snoring away next to her between complaints of the blinds being open. Don't you just love family time?

I have just recently (about 24 hours) recovered from a nasty little tussle with influenza. This being my second fight with said viral infection you'd think I might have learned a trick or two about dealing with it however, it caught me with a hard right cross and knocked me flat on my bum once again. Me being me though, and I'm back on my feet throwing jabs with the best of them. How ya like them apples influenza?

To give an update on where I'm at with my trip to South Africa: My current situations is that I have purchased my tickets and I am just waiting for my South African visa to come through. That should happen sometime this week. At least I am hoping so considering that my plane ticket is set for March 17. My plan is to be in South Africa with the Cooks until July 2, whereupon I will depart for London and the to the Faroe Islands on the 4th to stay with Abby and Ben (my sissy and her new hubby) for a few weeks and then back to the States. Not the end of my travels though, as I will be journeying to Southern California to work at a camp for abused and neglected children for a week and then spend time with Hannah's friends Laura and Jacob Roebuck for a few days before I venture back to Wyoming and/or South Dakota.

Much like my personality and interests, my life and plans are scattered and I'm fine with that. I feel very certain that the Lord has an amazing plan for my life and it is with much joy and anticipation that I begin to seek His will. I will continue to be in touch and my love goes out to all of you. I will be putting a challenge to anyone who reads this any time I post something new so here is my first one: Do something new that makes you uncomfortable.

Be well.


Anonymous said...

On the eve of your departure my fine boy... your Mom is excited about all God is going to teach you. May you just get on the plane tomorrow without a storm.
Love you! Mom

Anonymous said...

mick! i am sad that i didn't talk to you before you left...we will have to keep in touch via your blog and facebook. four months of no calls from you will be very sad, but i can't wait to see how God develops you into a stronger man for Him! so exciting. i'm glad you are feeling better. your mom called yesterday and said she was missing you already! love you!

Pastor Jack said...


You're in our prayers. S. Africa will never be the same...I hope!

Pastor Jack

Bonnie Berry said...

So you are up, up and away....God is faithful and awesome in South Africa too! May He be your comfort and strength for each new and different day. Thank you for furthering His kingdom so far away. I hope you filled out your NCAA bracket before you left the USA. I will be rooting for UNC just for you!
(don't tell Charlie!) My prayers, Bonnie Berry

Mom Malm said...

So glad to hear about this blog! We are really excited for you as you embark on this wonderful journey. Remember to leave your mark wherever you are. May your angels surround you with Peace and the Lord Bless you and all those you meet. Love ya,
Malm Family

Rolling Stones said...

Singing in church, going to work with kiddies in South Africa, enjoying ranch work...what next?

Come to the Faroe Islands when you are done. We love you!


Anonymous said...

Mickie B~
"The Lord bless you and keep you;
The Lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you;
the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace."

Can't wait to hear your thoughts about So Africa: the people, the places and the Hand of God in that place.
Be Blessed dear boy,

pawpaw said...

mick, we enjoyed our chat with you on your way to Denver. Hope the 17 hour trip went smoothly and you managed a few naps along the way. Didn't it feel really good to finally get to sleep on your stomach after the flight? Your jet lag should be over with in about a week and then you can do your thing. Nannie and I will follow your adventures on your blog. Enjoy your new adveenture and soak up the local scene. We love you a lot.
Nannie & Pawpaw

Tracie Faust said...

cool blog, mick.


give us an update, dammit.

sarah said...

Hey Mick, I was just back in Sioux Falls and had brunch with Tara and some Crossing friends. Looks like you're having a wonderful adventure! May the Lord continue to guide and bless you.

Sarah (Detrich) Burton... your favorite old LifeGroup leader

Anonymous said...


First, my apologies for not staying in touch like I should. I finally had time this morning to catch up on your entries. I enjoyed the pictures, and catching up on how God is using, and blessing you. I know it has to be a tremendous experience. We will look forward to your return in a couple of months, and your presentation to the church. What a blessing that will be!
As you know, Hannah will be leaving July 6. We are going to miss her. Then, Charlie heads to Washington. Even though we have known you and your family for only 3 1/2 years, we love and appreciate all of you, as "family." Okay, enough of the "mushy" stuff....continue in good health, and may the God of all creation continue to bless you.

Pastor Jack